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What's the surface finishing?


There are many methods for surface treatment in prototypes, and each method has its own advantages and applicable scenarios. The following are some common surface treatment methods and their advantages:


1. Sanding: Grinding the surface of the board by sandpaper or grinding wheel can make the surface smoother and remove the roughness of the surface. This method is suitable for boards that require high quality appearance.


2. Spraying / Painting: Spraying can add colors, coatings or patterns to the surface of the board, making it more beautiful and practical. Spraying can also play the role of anti-corrosion, anti-scratch and so on.


3. Electroplating: Through the electroplating process, metal plating can be formed on the surface of the board to increase the surface hardness, corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity. This treatment is suitable for the need to increase the functionality of the surface of the board.


4. Sandblasting: The sandblasting process can form fine particles on the surface of the board to 5. make the surface more textured and non-slip. This method is suitable for the case of needing to add a certain texture to the surface of the plate.


5. Electroplating: Through the process of electroplating, metal plating can be formed on the surface of the plate to increase the surface hardness, corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity. This treatment method is suitable for cases where it is necessary to increase the functionality of the surface of the prototypes.


The selection of the appropriate surface treatment method depends on the specific use and requirements of the prototypes. Various factors need to be considered according to the actual situation, including material, cost and appearance requirements.

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